McD RUSSIA New Store Checklist

I - 1 x розеткa 10kW - 400V - 32A - 5X6, H=1300мм Комбо-машина, (воздушное охлаждение)

L - 1 x розеткa 10kW - 400V - 32A - 5X6, H=1300мм Комбо-машина, (воздушное охлаждение)

• SERVICES for Multiple Machines: show each service individually.

• Show a different letter for each service as in the example below.

• Show Bacterial Lamp & service as close as possible to C602 or nearest location but not above it. (If it’s not possible then show it above the beverage cell). □

11a. Glass Wall

• Check if the store requires a glass wall at the beverage cell. (NER)

• New Stores – Show sockets on wall for items not against glass wall.

• Determine services placement at the glass wall (in order of preference):

1. Place cable in chase if no further than 0.5m from equipment to chase.

2. Place sockets on an adjacent wall if <=0.5m away (not on pillar/column).

3. Glass wall sockets can be shown at 600mm AFFL where any item is

further than 0.5m from the nearest chase or wall?

• Always show Python/Water line in nearest chase or solid wall.

• If the store is a FC store (Food Court), the wall will always be a solid wall.

11b. Shakes Machine

• Always show the Generic Shake Machine Cad block.

• Check the Shake Machine type on the NER, drawing or email notes.

• If Carpigiani machine is required remove Flurry, Cabinet & service note.

• If a McFlurry is shown it must be on opposite side to shake m/c Cup Dispenser.

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